Bull Session At Bulls Gap
Junior Samples vs Archie Campbell
CHM/CHS-1007 (1968)
Side 1:
Bull Session at Bulls Gap
Sports Common Taters
Bull Shootin'
Reluctant Draftee
Birds, Bees, Girls & Stuff Like That
Side 2:
Junior Takes to the Air
In a Stew (Chicken That Is)
Junior Foils the Game Warden
Intoxicated Automobile
Dippin', Chewin', Acid & Pot
Old Swimmin' Hole
All selections Junior Samples-Peach Music, Inc-SESAC
Produced by:
Bob Ferguson & Slim Williamson
I guess
this BULL SESSION AT BULLS GAP actually began with a chance remark
during the 1967 Country Music Festival in Nashville. During the RCA
breakfast I happened to mention a very funny fellow from Cumming,
Georgia, who had everyone in stitches with his true-to-life stories.
After the breakfast Archie Campbell told me he’d like very
much to meet this fellow, Junior Samples. Archie got his wish just a
short time later. And, as it turned out, Junior had his wish come true,
also. It seems he was just as anxious to meet Archie Campbell, the Clown
Prince of Country Music Comedy.
You’d think that entertainers wouldn’t take too kindly to
competition. Well, seeing Archie and Junior together dispels that
theory. From the very first meeting it was clear that these two big
talents—both natives of small towns— held the greatest admiration for
each other’s work.
Archie was bowled over by the sharp, frank wit of the fellow
in bib overalls. While the two great humorists swapped tales during a
chance meeting outside the Opry house, the wheels began to turn toward
this “Bull Session at Bulls Gap.”
RCA’s studio in Music City was turned into Bulls Gap. Then
the room was packed with an “invitation-only” audience made up mostly of
show biz VIPs and the “Bull Session at Bulls Gap” was off and running.
Archie Campbell, as you’ll hear on this record, enjoys the
bull session as much as anyone. He’s very obviously bowled over by
Junior Samples’ side-splitting stories drawn from his honest-to-goodness
life “down home” in Cumming, Georgia.
Believe me, I enjoyed the bull session every bit as much as
Archie. I hail from a small town, also—Lutrell, Tennessee— but I must
admit that nothing like Junior’s “big whopper” ever occurred there!
No matter where you come from, I feel certain you’re going to have as
much fun as the rest of us when you eavesdrop on this wildly funny “Bull
Session At Bulls Gap”. |