Come Back CHS-2056 - (1974) Side 1: It’ll Come Back ( G. Martin) Love Makes The Grass Grow Green (M. Landers) Daddy’s Girl ( G. Martin) Sunshine Man (M. Landers) Daisy’s Chain (D. Worden-A. Morton) Side 2: Can I Keep Him Daddy (Greer-Sovine) Sugar Tree (M. Landers-D. Worden) I Love You More (A. Morton) Everybody Sing A Song (S. Buckles) Red’s So Fine (B. Belew-D. Worden) Produced by: A-Side Productions, L. Morton & D. L. Worden |
To say that I am honored to write the liner notes for Red Sovine's new
album would be the understatement of the year. When the Chart folks told
me to get my notes together, I was undoubtedly the happiest disc jockey
in country music. "There's so many things a fellow could say about Red
Sovine", I told myself as I sat down to write. But when you're dealing
with an artist like Red, who seems to know everyone in the world, it's
really hard to say something original. So I'll do away with that idea
right now. We won't discuss his enormous talent and his track record in
the music business. No sir, I'm just going to tell you why Dugg Collins
thinks so much of Red Sovine. First of all, I like to talk, and Red is a big talker, too. So we hit it off the first time we ever met. To make things even better, we both have an undying love for Coors beer. Now, there's nothing better in the whole world for me than to get with Red Sovine over some good cold Coors and listen to some of the great stories he can tell about his experiences in the music business. Now, if you plan to do any talking yourself when Red is present, you had better jump in pretty damn quick when he's pausing for a breath of air, otherwise, you can just forget it. What I really want to say (and this is personal to Red) is all of us in the business and your fans around the world love you. They just don't make 'em like Red Sovine anymore. If I never write liner notes for another artist, Red, this is the one I always wanted to write. DUGG COLLINS PROGRAM DIRECTOR KDJW AMARILLO, TEXAS We have tried to find light, happy songs for "Red And The Girls". We are sure if you liked "It'll Come Back", you will like all of these. |